Ok, so i stole this little questionnaire type thingy from one of my followers (yes, i have 11 now, woo hoo!!)
Here goes
What is your current fashion obsession?
Oooh that would have to be my big black baggy Harem pants from Boohoo.com, my gorgeous black maxi dress from Forever 21 and a pair of wedges which i am desperate to order, from Overstock.com
What is your current makeup obsession?
Weirdly enough i don't really have one at the moment. I usually go through stages of total obsession with certain things, like finding the best way to do my eyebrows (still have not discovered one) or searching for the perfect nude lipstick. I think most recently is was a concealer obsession. However yesterday i did buy Revlon Photoready foundation, which i am LOVING
What are you wearing today?
Oh goodness, today i am v. scruffy cos i'm just at home with the kids. I have on my Victoria's Secret PINK jogging bottoms (in black), a black bandaeu top from Bay, and my nike air force ones!! However, i have done my make up!!!
Was all over the place, but decided to put it up in a high pony tail. As usual, it started giving me a headache, so now it's down and all over the place again.
Do you nap a lot?
oh yes, i would nap all day if i could. Whenever there is a break in my day, i will nap!
What would you like to learn to do?
i would love to be fluent in another language, preferably something really difficult like Russian or Cantonese, purely so i could impress people. I would also love to learn street dance.
Whats for dinner today?
well today we are having Quiches with new potatoes and perhaps some broccoli if i can be bothered to get to sainsburys
What is your favourite kind of weather?
I love sunny days because they automatically make you feel happy. But autumn, when the air is just turning chilly
and all the leaves are red and orange and the sky is turquoise blue. But i also love a really good thunder storm with torrential rain
What is the last thing you just bought?
I went into town on saturday and bought quite a few bits
Some button uggs in black, for when it gets chillier (fake ones, you trust, only £5.00)
A Flashdance tshirt from Primark
A Minnie Mouse Tshirt , and two necklaces, some knicky knacky noodles, some converse type trainers for my big daughter and a pink dress for my little daughter all from Primark
Revlon Photoready foundation, Loreal million lashes mascara, Revlon lipstick (nude attidude), some bronzer by collection 2000 and a fake tanning mitt, all from Superdrug
and......3 bottles of Hawaiin Tropic fake tan from Poundland
and......a checked shirt from H&M mens department
What are your essential items when travelling?
makeup, purse, keys, dummies for the littlest girl and a change of clothes for her incase she wets herself, oh and my phone.
Whats your style?
i change my style daily i think because i am a gemini and i would hate to be tied down to one style. Sometimes its tracksuit bottoms and high tops with a vest top, some days its a maxi dress with wedges, some days it's harem pants and flip flops, or it could be leggings and my fave cowboy boots - i love all clothes but i guess the main thing for me when getting dressed is comfort and not having the fear of breaking my neck in crazy high heels when running after the kids (shame, cos i would wear wedges a hell of a lot more if i could)
Whats your most challenging goal right now?
probably trying to stay awake throughout the day, i am always soooo tired :-(
If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be?
wow, this is tough, because i am inclined to say where i am already - it's a great area and i'm close ish ti family, but i would also like one on miami beach or maybe australia
Favourite vacation spot
believe it or not, i have never been abroad :-(
Name the things you can not live without?
well firstly it would be my kids, , family etc, but possesion wise, probably my phone, laptop and car
What would you like to have in your hands right now?
a great big massive humungous wad of money
What would you like to get rid of?
my baby belly :-(((((
What are you most excited for?
ordering my tan wedges!!!
If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?I would take the kids to a beautiful secluded beach with crystal waters and a delicious picnic, and they could run and play and swim and be happy
I tag anyone to do this!!!